I start each video the same way, I pick 2-5 DV tapes (in order) from my Transworld DV drawer. I read my log book and find out what’s in store for the next video. I line the deck up with the time code that coincides with what I have written down, and the memories start flowing. I’ll fiddle with the order depending on just how gnarly the tricks are, BUT these videos are chronological in the sense that I do not skip around to different tapes just to find “gnarlier” tricks to make the edits better. These edits play very closely to how the footage got recorded on each tape and what time frame I filmed each trick.
If we were filming at a spot and got asked to leave, kicked out, OR the cops were called, I always approached going back with a us Vs. them mentality. Getting clips were points, the goal was to get the skater as many clips as possible to assemble a part. If people got in the way, I’d lie, come back, or do anything I could to get that skater a trick. At the beginning of this episode, all I had to do was lie, the pastor at the church was so nice and easy to talk to. At the end of the episode you see Stefan getting really close to his last trick in Subtleties. I wonder how many more tapes I’ll go through until the make pops up?
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