What do you do if you get caught inside while foil surfing with a wing? That’s a lot of equipment to manage, right? We asked the ever-stoked, shred-master & fun culprit Julien Bouyer what to do. Check it out.
The glory of the ride is a moment to remember, but what if … The Wing is a recent new innovation in watersports. Brothers Bouyer, Julien & Camille, are already way out in front of the pack. Photo by: @baptiste_cloarec
What do you do with the Wing when caught inside?
First, when you wipeout, you have to protect your head with your hands.
After the wipeout, stay with your board! Like this, you can control where the foil is going to keep it away from yourself and away from the inflated wing. If you can, try to make the wing fly above the white water; otherwise, it’s going to drag you with the arm that is holding it!
When you wipe out with a wing in the white water, keep a cool head and try to get the wing back up above the waves as soon as you can. Photo by: @baptiste_cloarec
If you don’t have time to get the wing back up above the wave, try to duck dive under the white water with your board & foil, but – be ready – because the wing will put a lot of drag on everything!
If you have to duck dive with the wing, be ready. The white water will add a ton of drag to the arm that is holding the wing! Photo by: @baptiste_cloarec
On a Wing & a Prayer: Duck Diving with a Wing
Get into a “safer” zone to start again between sets. If you can’t get to the channel, try to water start within the impact zone. That’s what we had to do during this session because heading towards shore meant heading into the cliff and some rocks. You’ve got to choose your battles!
If its too shallow, it will be difficult to accomplish a water start because you are going to touch down with the foil. That happened to us too (see below).
A cautionary tale: If you get dragged back into shallower waters, be aware of your mast height and foil. You don’t want to try another water start where the foil can touch down. Photo: @baptiste_cloarec
My best advice is: don’t panic, wait for the right moment in between sets to fly the wing again or head for a safer zone while paddling on your board. It’s risky surfing with a wing and a foil, but the paybacks are great. Most importantly, have fun!
Check out Julien’s other great adventure when he sailed around the Isle of Re on a Wing!
The glory of the ride is a moment to remember, but what if … The Wing is a recent new innovation in watersports. Brothers Bouyer, Julien & Camille, are already way out in front of the pack. Photo by: @baptiste_cloarec
Written by: Julien Bouyer
Original Post from this site