UPDATE: Mikemo and Malto posted a lengthy Youtube explanation:

A week ago Mikemo Capaldi dropped a li’l bomb on the skate community with the announcement of a new contest with a “truly objective format.” Okay, we’re listening. The first exhibition match is going down this weekend, here’s all the info below:

From Mo: “I never thought that starting a “league” was something that I would do, or even want to do. But over the years have been slowly developing new ideas for how we can make it different than any other contest and something that is simplified enough that anyone can watch and understand. A truly objective format seemed like a fun enough idea to explore. So here we are, launching the first ever exhibition match on Jan 25th in LA. With 8 of the best skaters in the world, competing as teams.

If you’re interested in coming to the first one, go to our website and sign up and check the “I swear on @seanmalto’s life that I will come to this event” button and I’ll send a private link for free tickets to attend. Only click that Malto button if you’re serious about coming, trying to have as accurate of a head count as possible.

The event is Jan 25th and will be filmed and broadcast to our YouTube channel about a week after.

Our goal is to make this format as good as possible, so all feedback is welcome. Very interested to see what everyone thinks after they watch the first one.

Please share this with anyone that might be interested in what we’re doing and let’s see if this thing flops or succeeds. It will be entertaining to me regardless of the outcome 😂.

More updates coming soon. See you Jan 25th 👊🏼👊🏼”

The next update listed some of the names they’ve secured for this initial exhibition match, and as you’d expect Mikemo and Sean Malto to do, they locked down some big dogs:

PSL Big Dogs.

The latest update, just days before the contest will take place, breaks down the scoring and judging, promising to be the easiest format to follow. 

Sean Malto and Mikemo

Malto and Mikemo break it down. 

“Easiest contest to follow in skateboarding. Most points after 5 rounds wins the match.”

We’ll be tuning in Feb 1 to see what it’s all about! Good luck Mo and Malto!

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By admin

SurfinDaddy has been hanging around the periphery of the web since 2001 – but the dawn of 2021 sees us ready to jump into the fray. No longer content to be an outsider (but loving that our readership will be those who love the outdoors) we’re poised to become your online resource for all things related to boardsports.