Perhaps the most known and popular flip trick on a skateboard is the kickflip. It is one of the first tricks learned by many, and a tride and true go to. There has been some serious debate on who invented the kickflip, a lot of votes say it was Rodeny Mullen and others say it Curt Lindgren in 1978.

Eitherway the kickflip we see today evevloved from its original form, like everything else in life. And to our surprise the OG kickflip is quite complex and pretty unique, coming before skaters used ollies to pop. Tony Hawk shared what it looks like and a step by step on how to do it, check it out below!

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SurfinDaddy has been hanging around the periphery of the web since 2001 – but the dawn of 2021 sees us ready to jump into the fray. No longer content to be an outsider (but loving that our readership will be those who love the outdoors) we’re poised to become your online resource for all things related to boardsports.