If you don’t know how to pronounce Eimeo Czermak’s last name yet, you should learn how immediately, because you’ll likely be hearing lots of it from this point forward. At only 18 years old, the young Tahitian is already building himself a reputation as a top-notch tube rider with loads of steeze. Able to stay calm in macking Teahupo’o caverns, Czermak surfs with aplomb and wrestles foam balls like men twice his age. Hit play on his new edit above (from his new YouTube channel) and get ready to see more jaw-dropping tube fests from the French Polynesian.

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SurfinDaddy has been hanging around the periphery of the web since 2001 – but the dawn of 2021 sees us ready to jump into the fray. No longer content to be an outsider (but loving that our readership will be those who love the outdoors) we’re poised to become your online resource for all things related to boardsports.