Artists in Residence: Hannah Eddy
One peek at Hannah Eddie’s Instagram and it’s easy to feel exciting about getting outside. Her paintings and drawings are a wash of mood-enhancing colors: warm scenes of mountains, waves, and dreamy outdoor scapes, often traversed by boarding babes with flowing locks that blend in and out of their surroundings. The Reno-based artist’s illustrations are a thoughtful take on the peaks, ocean, and concrete in which she spends her time snowboarding, surfing, and skateboarding–a celebration of both nature and one’s interaction with it—and Hannah’s love for this pairing is clear in every piece. While Hannah’s work is uplifting, it also at times provides more direct commentary as she shares a passion for the environment through exploration, as well as lighthearted takes on subjects like daylight savings. Very clearly dedicated to spending time in the mountains (and with one hell of a powder turn), Hannah has further combined her love of snowboarding with her gusto for creating via collaborations with snowboard brands, most recently the 2019-20 Gnu Velvet board and an all-over print design featured on Airblaster outerwear and Austen Sweetin’s pro model Ninjasuit, arriving in shops in fall 2020.
Instagram: @hannaheddyart
Hometown: Reno, NV
Home mountain: Splitboarding in the Sierra Nevada
Preferred medium(s): Acrylic, pen/ink, and digital
One tool of your craft that you cannot do without: Honestly these days it would have to be my iPad and Apple Pencil. I can bring them anywhere and always have projects to work on. I could never go full digital though, so I always at least need some acrylic paint on hand.
Favorite subject matter (in general and/or currently): Funky females feeling the flow and fun colorful landscapes.
All-time favorite snowboard graphic: Might not be my favorite all time graphic, but the first one I remember seeing that was illustrative instead of just a geometric graphic: I was like eight or nine and my buddy got the kids Burton Chopper that had the character with a fork in its brain and I thought it was so cool that I used to draw it! I found a photo of it. Haha, not as cool as I remember…
Do you listen to music or anything when you make art? If so, what: I either listen to music or podcasts depending on what I’m working on, but rarely do I work in complete silence…if I’m concentrating harder on a more detailed illustration, I like to listen to music, maybe some psych/surf/stoner rock to really get in the zone (Sabbath, Orb, Stonefield, La Luz, King Gizzard, Sleep, Radio Moscow, Dead Meadow, Wand, Quilt, Sugar Candy Mountain, Budos Band, Electric Citizen, Guantanamo Baywatch, Kikagaku Moyo) to name some of my most played bands which are kinda all over the map. If I’m painting backgrounds, prepping canvases, coloring in illustrations and doing more simple stuff, I’ll put on a podcast. Some of my favorites are: TED radio hour, Radio Lab, The Daily, Nine Club, Star Talk, Ologies, Gangster Capitalism, Two Dope Queens, Armchair Expert, Sustainable Mind.
Advice on how to get over a creative block: Go outside and do something fun! These days for me that means biking from our house or skating. Getting fresh air and taking my mind off of a creative block is really the only solution for me. I also try not to force it; that’s when it gets frustrating. At this point I know that I will figure it out, it just might not be in that exact moment. Maybe I need to move on and come back to it. Just draw something dumb and fun first (although everything is dumb and fun)…nothing really matters, haha!
Artists that influence/inspire your work: There are so many insane artists out there! I really like Laura Berger, Bunnie Reiss, Andy Davis, Evan M. Cohen, Ryan Bubnis, Kyler Martz, Micael Sieben, Dabs Myla, Lisa Congdon, and Jillian Evelyn to some out of so many that inspire me. I follow so many artists on Instagram, it’s what makes me actually want to check my feed. I try to go see my favorite artists art in real life and keep tabs on where I can go check out a show or gallery that has their art when I travel. Just looking at a tiny image on a screen is cool but never quite enough.
Any cool collabs, work, galleries, projects, etc. that you’ve done (or that you’re working on currently) that you’d like to share: I’m currently working on some projects and collabs that I’m excited about and it’s too early to share, but it’s all thanks to awesome companies that I’m grateful to get to work with! I can say that coming out in the fall is a collab I got to do with Airblaster that I’m psyched on! I’ve gotten to do a couple of board graphics with Gnu which has been a dream come true also.
Hannah’s work on Austen Sweetin’s pro model Ninjasuit (far left).
Where can people purchase your art: which has a link to my Esty shop, or to get there directly it is: I try to update new prints as often as I can. Also, if there is something I post on my Instagram that someone wants a print of I can usually make that happen so feel free to slip slide into the DM (but check my store first).
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