On May 6th, Irish big-wave surfer Al Mennie will paddle out off the North Antrim coast in the middle of the night and attempt to ride 154 waves for mental health awareness.

The challenge is part of the 2023 Darkness into Light campaign, a fundraising event supporting mental health charities fighting for suicide prevention. And why the 154 waves? Mennie explained: “The reason for the number in the title is sadly because the European Commission state that 56,000 people take their own lives (2018 data) and so that equates to 154 per day.”

“Surfing has always been my escape,” Mennie told Northern Ireland World. “Some people walk, run, cycle and that is their thing. For me it has always been surfing. I have been surfing since I was a child in the 80’s and it has got me through some dark times.”

Mennie has been training for the challenge, and he’s unsure whether or not he’ll be able to pull it off. He’ll be supported by a crew providing safety and visibility, and he’ll also wear a flotation vest and a helmet during the challenge.

“I will attempt to ride 154 waves from sunset to sunrise on a single night,” Mennie wrote. “Is it possible? We shall see! The elements of darkness, cold, exhaustion will all play a part not to mention the surf conditions. I have had numerous sessions trying to establish how I’m going to do this. I’ve ridden everywhere from 1 wave in 30mins to 44 waves in 30mins! So, it is very hard to tell how this is going to go until on the night.”

Either way, if he pulls it off or not, it’s a big challenge. When was the last time you surfed 154 waves in one session? Let alone at night? But it’s for a good cause, and that’s what matters most.

To support Mennie’s campaign for mental health awareness, and to learn more about the 154 waves Surf Through Darkness challenge, check out the fundraising page


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