In a Socal-native’s biased opinion, California is one of the best places to live as a surfer. With access to nearly all directions of swell patterns and fairly mild weather, CA-shredders have access to the good life. But in all its wave-filled glory, the Golden State (in certain subsections) can sometimes lack that super hollowed-out goodness many tubehounds are addicted to. Thankfully, California’s neighbor to the south is the land of sand-bottomed tubes aplenty and is an easy escape for many barrel fiends–like Laguna Beach-based Nate Zoller, pictured in his new edit “Dear Mexico”, playing above. Hit play to watch Zoller enjoy the punchy coastline of Baja and mainland Mex.

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SurfinDaddy has been hanging around the periphery of the web since 2001 – but the dawn of 2021 sees us ready to jump into the fray. No longer content to be an outsider (but loving that our readership will be those who love the outdoors) we’re poised to become your online resource for all things related to boardsports.