A kickout can tell you a lot about a surfer.

After an epic wave, do they look around, searching for praise and adoration from others in the lineup? Or do they put their head down, plop onto their belly in a humble fashion, and paddle back out to the peak? Either way, the body language speaks volumes.

But sometimes, the wave dictates the kickout, as seen here.

The video shows Tahitian local and perennial Teahupo’o charger, Lorenzo Avvenenti, during Sunday’s super session at Chopes. Avvenenti gets puked out of a drainer, disappears in the spit, then kicks out into the channel with cartwheeling glory.

Surfline, who covered the swell event live – check out the full five-hour replay – posted the clip to their Instagram, as did Koa Rothman, who was also surfing in Tahiti that day. The clip was originally captured by surf filmmaker, Jack Germain.

Of course, the comments on both posts went off:

“Going to Olympics in the gymnastics.”

“Aqua Parkour.”

“Maybe he can get a job at Cirque du Soleil.”

“So glad there wasn’t a ski sitting right in the landing zone!”

That last one makes a good point. The channel at Teahupo’o is quite crowded; it’s often likened to the 1995 Kevin Costner film Waterworld. Avvenenti was lucky he didn’t hit a jetski, a boat, or another surfer when kicking out like this. That would’ve been ugly.

As mentioned, Teahupo’o went off over the weekend. And there’s sure to be more epic rides – featuring glory, carnage, tubes, and wipeouts – trickling in soon. Stay tuned. 


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