This Sacto trip like many others was filled with weekends at Davis, or any other town on the outskirts of Sacramento. Omar went to high school at Roseville high I think. We lit up Macy’s at least once a week, and the sessions at Sutter (step up manny, step down) I feel like happened every weekend after or before a short drive to Davis. Sacto had a different vibe than LA, way less driving, more laid back, I liked it there. So many trees, it seemed cleaner, less people etc… I bet the next episode will be right back at the same spots 🙂
I start each video the same way, I pick two to five DV tapes (in order) from my TransWorld DV drawer. I read my log book and find out what’s in store for the next video. I line the deck up with the time code that coincides with what I have written down, and the memories start flowing. I’ll fiddle with the order depending on just how gnarly the tricks are, BUT these videos are chronological in the sense that I do not skip around to different tapes just to find “gnarlier” tricks to make the edits better. These edits play very closely to how the footage got recorded on each tape and what time frame I filmed each trick.
Featuring Stefan Janoski, Kyle Leeper, Raymond Molinar, Omar Salazar, and Brandon Biebel.
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